Southern Florida (754) 757-8000


Ecommerce Platform X-Cart Hit By Ransomware Caused Outage

Do you sell goods and services directly from your company's website? Do you use X-Cart to do it? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you may have had some ...

Hackers Stole User Information From Popular Gold Dealer

Do you own gold? If so, and if you purchased it online, then odds are good that you bought it from JM Bullion, which is one of the largest precious metal retailers ...

New Phishing Attack Uses Unique Method To Avoid Security

Hackers are always looking for a new angle, and recently, they've found a particularly good one. Image recognition software is becoming increasingly sophisticated. So if hackers are interested in building a fake ...

Toy Company Mattel Was Latest Victim Of Ransomware Attack

When you were growing up, your parents probably bought you all sorts of toys made by Mattel. From Hotwheels to Barbie to the full line of Toy Story toys and more, Mattel ...

Some Businesses Are Dangerously Avoiding Critical IT Security Updates

How good is your IT staff at staying current when it comes to applying all the latest security patches? Unfortunately, the answer for most businesses is, "probably not as good as you ...

Update Adobe Acrobat Reader To Patch Security Issue

A lot of people have a complicated relationship with Adobe Acrobat reader. On the one hand, it's an undeniably useful piece of software and one of the most widely installed and used ...

Cyber Attack Found At Gaming Company Capcom

Are you a gamer? Are you a fan of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Mega Man, Monster Hunter or Street Fighter? All of those games have something in common. All were developed ...

Office 365 Exchange Users Get Disposable Email Feature

During the 2019 Microsoft Ignite convention, the company announced a new feature they were planning to add to Exchange Online. The new feature, dubbed "plus addressing" would give Office 365 Exchange users ...

For Security, Windows 10 Update Removes Adobe Flash Player

In September of this year, Microsoft announced that they would soon be releasing an optional update designed to remove the Adobe Flash Player from any machine applying the update, and rendering it ...

Notification To Update Microsoft Word Could Be Hidden Malware

If you've spent any time at all surveying the threat landscape, then you're almost certainly familiar with the name Emotet. As one of the largest malware botnets on the planet, it's dangerous ...


Hackers Exploit Victims with Scam-Yourself Attacks

Hackers Exploit Victims with Scam-Yourself Attacks

Recent research from GetApp shows that over 81% of people open phishing emails on their work devices. One big reason for[...]
Two-Step Phishing Campaign Exploits Microsoft Tools

Two-Step Phishing Campaign Exploits Microsoft Tools

As businesses become savvier to phishing campaigns and develop powerful tools to combat them, cybercriminals are simultaneously finding new exploits[...]
New Blender Update Delivers Powerful Creative Upgrades

New Blender Update Delivers Powerful Creative Upgrades

Popular animation software Blender just got an update that has 3D artists and businesses buzzing. Blender 4.3 represents a massive[...]



5975 W Sunrise Blvd., #212
Sunrise, Florida 33313
(754) 757-8000


Nova Southeastern University
Research, and Information Technology Center
3100 Ray Ferrero Jr Blvd | 5th Floor
Davie, FL 33314
(754) 757-8000

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With over 30 years of experience, STAAR Tech has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the South Florida tri-county area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce cybersecurity risk.

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